Accessible and Inclusive World

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Apr 29

Joined Feb 17, 2017

What truly accessible and inclusive world does it look like for me as an advocate for a person with disability?


A change mindset.  Our mindset is as set of beliefs that shape how we make our sense on the world and ourself. It influences how we think, feel and behave in any given situation. If both person with or without disability had a right mindset, we will not look to each other differently. We don’t need to experience staring each other or looking away as if both are invisible.



Celebrate ALL abilities.  An integrate people with disabilities in the workplace and marketplace. Seeing a diverse community that poll together’s unique knowledge and experienced. Let’s recognize that each ability can be useful and a strength. Having people with or without disabilities should be part of organization that reflect a diverse workplace and inclusive culture.  



Accessible Technology.  They said that Metaverse, a future internet won’t be kind to a person with disability because of its cost and functions.  Metaverse is a virtual environment you can go inside of - instead of just looking at on a screen. A world of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work and play. It uses virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps or other devices.


There is a challenge to people who are blind and low vision for this, because it gets more visual.


Microsoft Company continues to deliver accessibility features for people with visual impairment & blindness, for deaf and hard of hearing and people with learning disabilities.


What would Metaverse, the future internet can do that their service may be accessible for people with disabilities, “leave no one behind even in virtual world.”



A reduce inequalities. An estimated 46% of older people aged 60 years and over are people with disabilities. One in every five women is likely to experienced disability during her life. Of the one billion population of persons with disabilities, 80 percent live in developing countries. One in ten children is a child with a disability. Only 28 percent of person with significant disabilities have access to disability benefits globally, and only 1 percent in low-income countries. These are the facts and figures from United Nations (reduced inequalities, goal 10 sustainable development goals).


Would it be possible to eliminate inequalities? I don’t know but reduce perhaps.


The best way to reduce inequalities is that government should focus on providing service for citizens. A “Citizen-first”, a public service with a goal is to provide quality service, improve public trust in the government, transparency and participation. If corruption is eliminated, inclusive government is possible.


Inclusive in Marketing & Advertisement. Rarely we see person with disability shown in marketing and advertising. Let’s create ad featuring person with disability, making it more welcoming and inclusive to all audiences.



Removing Barriers.  People with disabilities were disabled by society that prevents them to achieve their potential. These barriers were restricted access, exclusion and discrimination. These barriers can be eliminated by society who created it. A change attitude of government, businesses, public spaces and individual people can remove the barriers. I hope an increase access and a more equal society in our world.

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