As we approach May 10 which WORLD LUPUS Day, I would to give an overview of what LUPUS
Dec 27
Joined Oct 24, 2023
As we approach May 10 which WORLD LUPUS Day, I would to give an overview of what LUPUS is all about *Understanding lupus* ✅ *Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)* is a chronic (long-term) autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues in many parts of the body including the joints, skin, and other organs. ✅Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is also referred to as *lupus* but it is important to understand *that there are other types of lupus* such as drug induced lupus, cutaneous lupus neonatal lupus ( seen in babies) and childhood onset lupus ✅ Lupus can also *overlap* with other autoimmune conditions such *as diabetes, thyroid disease, Sjogren's syndrome,rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, systemic Sclerosis etc* ✅Lupus causes a wide range of symptoms that *can be very different from person to person* . ✅ *It is called the disease of 1000 faces as it can happen 1000 different ways in 1000 different people🤷🏽♂️* . ✅Symptoms can come( *flares* )and go( *remission* )and can range in severity from mild to severe. ✅Lupus is a *tricky disease* to diagnose because it can mimic the symptoms of other illnesses, and because of how its symptoms can *change unpredictably* . ✅Among all of the possible symptoms, the *most common features of Lupus are feeling tired and pain* . ✅These symptoms can occur when the body’s immune system is “ *activated” and is busy attacking the body’s tissues* . ✅Another common *symptom is a type of rash on the face called a malar rash or butterfly rash(* this is not very common in Nigeria) ✅The reason that the immune system attacks the body’s tissues in *Lupus is not well understood* . ✅Experts believe that a wide number of factors including the environment , hormonal and genetic factors may involved. ✅Lupus mostly affects *women of childbearing age* . Women get it about *nine times more often than men* . It can affect *Children* and *elderly* as well. ✅It is estimated that about *1 in 1,000 people have Lupus and about 4 million people have it worldwide.*