Oct 30, 2023

Princess Rose
Oct 1
Joined Jul 2, 2023

Every Woman is a Special Rose🌹
There is this constant soceital pressure that governs our society today. Young Beautiful Ladies out here struggle to be themselves. With the constant image of what beauty is what it means to be ambitious and successful. Today i was scrolling through the pictures of models in the late 90's and these ladies were beautiful; i mean their beauty was beyond what we have in our generation today. That's based of my opinion. Young Women of today define beauty outwardly they are more focused on what they look like on the outside more than they do on the inside so much so that if you follow this facade you will lose yourself too. The media has made our young girls to believe in a lie so easily that they are quick to live a life that is full of lush and glam. A life that is founded on what you have how you look who you go out with whom you're connected to. When in reality these are just vain imaginations. Growing up i remember wanting everything Barbie. You know little girl dreams. But eventually i grew up and became a woman of Character. There's nothing wrong with living a lush life. But when your beauty is defined outwardly by those things you only spread yourself thin to a life that does not exist leaving you with nothing at All. As i begun to grow up i lost a lot of friends along the line who had this vain mindset. Ladies your growth and Health is more important than what this world will try to lie to you about. Remember where you came from. Love yourself inwardly. Appreciate yourself inwardly and outwardly. Your worth begins from Within Yourself. Do not settle for anything that does not fit your standards🌹.
Remain Unique💎