Domestic abuse
Aug 9, 2024

Joined Jul 16, 2024
This story is of someone I know:
"I have seen my mother be a survivor of domestic abuse. We are from the subcontinent and due to our cultural norms and suffocating societal pressures we are forced to live with a man who even treats us like trash. We are only treasured when there is any monetary benefit required from us. I remember my dad always used to treat my mom like a Queen when he needed her money or her. He was always good at manipulating her and gaslightinging her to help him as he is a victim and helpless. My mother gave him her everything and finally thought that we all can live as a family together happily and finally after all those tormenting years. Just then my dad refused to make any house and let us live and rot in hell. He never cared for us, me and my siblings always suffered from our parents abusive relationship, we used to cry and curse ourselves for being alive , because here mother's stay with fathers to provide a safe haven for their children. But I never found that safe haven. Whenever we used to think that everything is settled and that now we will be a happy family suddenly that sand castle was ruined by a humongous sea storm taking away all our hopes with it. We have been experiencing depression, anxious attachment, anxiety and loneliness. At one side we saw our mother fighting for our rights and decaying in the process while we saw our dad who used to be so good with us at times and a total stranger at others. These events have not affected us mentally but also left deep scars on our souls. "
And this story is unfortunately true for alot of women around us. Domestic violence not only ruins the victim but an entire generation.