Nov 15, 2024
Joined Nov 11, 2023
Photo Credit: world pulse
you too can be an encourager
This was amazing memorable day for me especially that i was also celebrating my first year anniversary in world pulse the social network platform for women. the funny part of it was it was raining so hard with wind and hailstones outside and we had no power i had to create my own light so that the zoom team could see me on the screen during zoom meeting because i was also a guest and again the portable Wi-Fi i was using was not stable and because i did not want to miss anything i manage to witness everything...! and for those who missed the zoom party this were the highlights for this day .if you were registered for the party you had all the loggings and all you needed to do is keep time .so the host started with this beautiful music that had an African theme on the background with what the party was all about at the screen then when the time came the host kirth started with a greetings that was followed with an introduction she went a head to talk about todays party which was all about encourager she explained simple steps for one qualifies to be an encourager ,first you have to be a member of world pulse social network through registering and creating a profile then all you need to do is always comment and like other members stories the more you comment the number of your comment will give you a budge once you make 10 comments. kirth also talked a bout new encouragers that has multiply to 17 which is a great thing that made me happy when you see other new members engaging on the social net work thats encouraging that needs to be celebrated and recognized which kirth did during the party session..they also had a sign language translator right at the Conner and that was amazing .we were two encouragers that had an opportunity to talk about our journey as members of world sister kirth had to introduce us to members who were listening and watching the party as some were leaving encouraging comments about our journey to what was going on right after the introductions we were given two minutes each to answer questions and if you would like to know more about us there is a video shared by kirth on the website you going to like it i assure you . after that session kirth gave out 10 min to members to share which stories inspires them , and it was very nice to see what other members were sharing despite having technical issues we experienced along the way at some point we ended up freezing up .and because we always prepared for technical issues that did not stop us from enjoying the music and our encourager party. then there was war room session for 10 min , here two there was technical issue but the good thing i managed to chat JILL she made my day after mentioning my story to be her favorite ''my first year anniversary story''' i wish she could have seen the smile on my face but because of the technical issue we could not talk i also chat her telling her that #powershifting was my favorite story and that session ended like that but with a big smile on my face. then we logged back to original party which had more technical issues then was able to listen to kirth talk about next event which was #powershifting which i look forward to and she also talked about end year dancing party which sounds amazing ,we need to shake our tail feathers kirth my dancing shoes are ready you can bring it on lol, then we had to say good bye for the day . kirth and your team made my day despite the technical issues you brought us together to share our memorable journey from different continent we had one voice , one mission , togetherness which we all need as women . your encouraging party opportunity gave me a voice i have an event event i have been invited to attend right after our zoom meeting thank you for this , its going to be the 4th time you guys have helped me get recognized with strangers that share same passion as me . it has also help me meet another post election survivor victim just like me and yes!! we going to have coffee chat i cant wait to share with you about it later in the week .thank you so very much world pulse for giving me back my voice , my courage to face my fears , my leadership skills i never knew exited in me thank you for the past 12 months you have guided me to be my best version of me every single day , thank you for( 16) days of activism it has changed how i view things this days i don't put things in my heart but i let them go and i use the hurdle to make a change to lives of those who have no voice , i help mentor those who have given up on life reminding them that there is always light in the end of the tunnel no matter how long it takes no situation is permanent because better days are always a head of us .i strongly believe that when women can together nothing can stop them . thank you world pulse for yesterdays opportunity you open a new door in my life again thank you for putting back a big smile on my face just when i needed it the most and thank you for your recognition I'm going to inspire more women to join this website its all they need to share how they feel especially now that kidnappings and femicide is on the raise in Kenya fear is all over on women's faces here wondering who is next victim to die