Introducing myself and my journal: Overcoming Peoples opionions of who they think we are.

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United States of America

Joined May 13, 2011

About Me:
Im a 46 year old mother of the woman that wrote a story on teen pregnacy. I just want to say, is that I was and still am a good mother. I wont go into all the detail, but what my daughter does not realize is all the good I did as a signle mother. She wants to play this victim and overcomer, and blame what she went through into who she became and what she learned. I also went through the same, yes there were some generational cycles that needed to be broke so as it isnt passed down to my grandaugher or my grandson.

The issue is though, when a mother does everthing she can to raise her kids, without alot of help as I was in, it is hard. We become stressed out, and sometimes makes mistakes and dont makes some right choices which yes can roll over to our children. I did make mistakes, but I have spent the last 19 years, sense moving up here to Wa to be the best mother and grandmother I can be. When do you relase a mother from making some poor choices? Especially when she has taken care of her daughter children, been there for her while she worked long hours, while taking care of her children. Taking care of her children which our my grandchildren, while they were sick.

What my daughter doesnt realize, is she wouldnt be where she would be if I wasnt there along side her helping her out, and being there to support her and take care of the children while doing all these changes she needed to do in her life.
Her story dictates someone that came from poverty and an upbringing that was bad in her eyes, her perception, but what she doesnt realize is, me her mother made alot of sacrafices, alot of good choices to bring about a change in all our lives.

I left her father when she was only three becasue he almost killed me one day, he tried to stangled me with her own baby blanket. My daughter walked in and saw it which I know put a lasting trauma on her. It was then I knew I had to leave, and that is just what I did. By my twneties, I had my daugher and my son.

I made a decision some years later to move to WA to start a fresh, I went to school and began a new life. It was difficult because I still needed to make drastic changes. I began to do that and over the years it did get better. In that though by daughter and son made some really bad choices.

Now at 46, her being 28 now, am being kept from seeing my grankids for over two years now. Reason, I challenged her on a personal issue that was affecting my grankids. she did not like it. Now at 28, she has gone to school made drastic changes in her life at the same age I did. She beilieves becasue of how she was raised, all she learned from me was all bad. She calls me a terrible person, and in all this she still stands by her actions not to let me see my grankids.

Knowing I took care of them sense they were babies. In 2005 I married a man, and he ended up being a narcistic man, controlling abusive, mentally, emoitonally, physically. I divorced him for my own safety, and my own sanity. Now with my daugher knowing and witnessing all this, lets his family see my grankids, and I a 46 year old mother, that has done everything she could for over 20 years to plant good seeds, and to have my daughter post a story on here of how bad she had it, and how bad of a mother I was.

I think children that do that, should take a closer look at what a there signle mother had to go through. All the sacafices and all the time she put in to her children to make ends meet. Not destroy them because they had to take welfare to survive or work to make ends meet.

What my daugher doesnt realize is I have always been there for her. I have always helped her as well my mother did not. My daughter had alot of support in her life from me. She couldnt of done the things she did without me helping her out with being there to take care of her kids while she was working and going to school.

So I refuse to let her bring this story out and act like she is this overcome woman that over came without any help, when in relality she did have help.

My Passions:
Helping women see who they reallly are.

My Challenges:
Overcoming voices of accusation

My Vision for the Future:
I would like to finish writing my book.

My Areas of Expertise:
Trainning and helping woman lose weight, and getting them fit

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