Jul 1, 2024
Joined Nov 11, 2023
Photo Credit: margizuu
step into CEO mindset
Hi i hope this letter finds you well and filled with enthusiasm as you embark on your new role as the CEO of WORLD PULSE ORGANIZATION . as an older chip in the block who has witness the fruition of this organization i extend a warm welcome with lots of congratulatory message to your appointment i look forward to embrace your new style in these early transition days can't wait to engage with you in the coming days share my voice through storytelling and creating awareness when need be in my community i look forward to reading more stories from other members approved by you i can't wait to enjoy your professional respect based peer relationship with your other team members who have been doing a great job by giving opportunity to women who are change makers in their community to be heard and be celebrated from the beauting act of kindness they do in their community to people who really needs it the most. through reading this stories we manage to create connections and a long lasting relationship through an inspiring impact. asa vocal contributor of world pulse i look forward to engaging with all members who amplifies their voice for change i also look forward to more writing competitions with other members i did not want to swear but truth be told it's one of my favorite thing in this website . i hope you going to bring more of this and it doesn't have to be money related .the website have given me a voice i never thought i had since then i call it my forever home the family in it are so welcoming , so friendly, loving , caring it's one of the website i recommend woman to join . so with you taking over we look forward to growing together as members i look forward to over a million members by 2030.. thank you so much for taking the pedal from our former CEO who was also a powerful woman just like your! she mentored me to be the woman i'm today example ! from reading what other women do in their community, to sharing my stories and my events i have done to help my community with passion. i can't wait to share some virtual engagement with other members even though i have missed multiple because of my daily commitment and work , sometime my work take me places that have no network and i cant join the space , so what i do i only go listen to recorded virtua events .please introduce more reordered virtual events so that people like me who can't attend the event on time can do a follow up and contribute even if its late .my opinion can be of change or help just saying ,. i have realized that i have missed so many training and its because of time sometime , we have this recurrent blackout that go for long hours and by the time the power is back the event is done or i went to work where there is no network or even strong internet connections so i end up missing alot and i bet i'm not alone we many . " world pulse" is one of my favorite website every day after a long productive day i have to log in and read other members amazing act of kindness stories that put a smile on my face contribute on them , encourage some share ideas , this website has taught me how to be strong and not be afraid to speak up i remember the courage i got to share the loos of my friend from flood caused by landslides . the website have taught me the importance of sisterhood gave out my idea of sisterhood it really means so much to me because we are a family connected world wide through this website , it has help me advocate for climate justice especially now that climate change is something we can't deny ! it's so real it happens arounds us just two months back we had terrible floods in kenya that triggered mudslides and destructions , sinkholes , death , property displacement but wait!! during floods in my country kenya nobody i mean it including me ever thought about the animals that were killed during flood this only came up to me after someone told me they lost 10 cows! .animals too have feelings they get sad and hurt just like us the floods in kenya destroyed their lives too but nobody talked about it .from that i decided to plant 1o trees to remember all the animals that were forgotten during that hard , sad season the floods brought the country together but for few weeks days then the government started bringing houses down it was forceful eviction it hurt me and that is going to be a story for another day ,, so my new CEO i'm assuring you that i'm happy to be part of this family ' world pulse' with you as the head i can't wait to enjoy your great leadership, your inspiration, your courage , your leadership love , i can already feel the beauty of you being the head thank you for accepting to be our head i promise to support you , respect you , spread the word, recommend this website to many who have something to say but can't because they are afraid to talk or have no courage to share or they fear being victimized from what people will think about them .thank you for choosing a team that is going to help you run the organization with mature professionalism , team work , accepting feedback both negative and positive ,the team that is going to build more great leaders like me who never knew were leaders because they luck guidance or a platform . thank you so much for accepting this call to be a big sister to us all