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Chinyere Kalu


Apr 4

Joined Dec 11, 2019

I had excitedly submitted my name for a Speech Contest in my club as a ToastMaster.In preparatory to this event,I had read wide and broad,watched past constest videos on YouTube and made notes.

On the appointed day, I had set up my laptop as this was an online event.

Boom! My computer audio won't come on.I was seeing everyone on my screen and they could see me yet I couldn't hear them even as they spoke to me.I tried all I knew to fix it but to no avail.

I felt helpless and for once in my life I understood what the deaf people go through.I understood how much they yearn to talk but because they can't be heard most just keep quiet and use the sign language. How people can talk to you, talk about you right in your face and you can't hear them.

It dawned on me that having a hearing impairdiment can distrupt one's life.I was there for the contest yet couldn't participate due to lose of my computer audio.I was locked out of the competition because I could not hear.

Now more than ever before,

I appreciate the gift of functional sense organs.

I realised that am blessed to have them.

Let us show more love to those living with disability for it is not a pleasant place to find one's self.

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