May 3, 2024
Joined Nov 11, 2023
Photo Credit: chris
right to publish and disseminate information through an opinion without censorship this year theme is ' a press for the planet journalism in the face of environmental crisis
Declared by united nation general assembly back in 2018 several news organizations joined an ad campaign that created with each conference is centered on a theme related to press freedom which also include good governance world press freedom day which is always observed every 3rd of MAY every year to raise awareness of the press from intimidation to abduction most journalist risk it all to expose corruption , undercover truth even in conflict war zones. being a journalist is crucial it's like being a first responder in a sad crisis experiencing death , fight, accidents .the rise of journalist attack has raised eyebrows in western world lately most of them suffer detention , suppression , intimidation from political groups some journalist have been kidnapped and killed this has lead to most journalist fleeing their home country to seek asylum elsewhere. this year 2024 the theme of world press freedom is 'journalism in the face of the environment crisis its dedicated to the global environment crisis the right to general satisfactory environment favourable to their development lately our environment has been affected by climate change its believed that only 4 % of global carbon dioxide are emissioned this has lead to the things we currently experiencing the extreme weather full of flash floods ,mud slides , typhoons ,extreme dry weather and with this phenomenal it leads to mass migration due to climate related hazards ,hunger because of food insecurity and malnutrition will then follow . climate change is increasingly important topic for journalist to report on . so journalist should be able to report and raise awareness they should speak freely and share the impact of the climate change with evidence live from the scene and demand urgent action from government and other stakeholders who are interested of understanding the effects of climate change that are not reported by having a free flow of information and right of freedom of expression and access to information and in addition protecting journalist and media from harassment , violence both in radio and television together with those whistle blowers that want to talk behind the camera fo fear of being killed or their family getting kidnapped. having opportunity to sit down with one journalist this day she share with me her life as a journalist , the code of ethics that she follow , the pressure from their bosses she tell me sometimes they report but with fear of getting victimized they are always on the run she tell me she has planted 40 trees this year because the climate has showed her what its capable of doing it she tell me the mud slide has killed one of her neighbour the whole family was buried deep in the mud she now decided to plant more trees as a way of creating awareness to her community to save lives .this year was with group of freelance journalist who decided to clean the natural sprigs water that looked so clocked with plastics , paper bags ,mask we managed to collect 5 bags full of plastic water bottles , mask that reminded me of the covid virus we got so careless by dumping them everywhere not knowing we affecting the environment. this year kenya as a country have experience very bad drought that killed people same as livestock i remember so well the sun and temperature were very extreme the next thing are flash floods this has scared me because i have lost few people i know some have lost everything from it, one house started sinking and people are forced to leave most of them are now outside with nowhere to go. the folks living in slums next to nairobi river have been forced to vacate with no place set aside for them this people have little kids , where are they going this is another disaster i can see it coming , glad some journalist reported it without fear of intimidation but i know the government won't care .i'm so glad they told the truth by making difference even if it will take time to be implemented i also celebrate them for being brave while reporting the challenges people with no voice or power are facing daily with the on going flash floods even though some politicians are feeling like they are politically targeted by their opponent. i enjoy the journalist transparency in our community they remind people facing climate challenges that they are not alone they will use any toolposibble to create a wareness without fear of getting hurt . it gives hope to the hopeless that they will always support them and help defend their reporting rights . this year having celebrated press freedom day with my journalist friends i will honor them for bring us news with integrity, bravery and courage in helping tackle the environmental crisis through their reporting their hard work has help those incharge take actions that would change our environment by making it a safe , clean , healthy places to live in .being a professional journalist is a calling you have to go study on how to report real news , know how to target your audience with your signature tunes , always have a heart of empathy while reporting new about different events be it accident , mudslides , death , kidnap make sure you protect the cover of innocent children that parents have not given a concert to show their faces while reporting ,dead bodies have to be blurred fro public eyes . this day we share fearlessness, dedication of journalist that bring environmental stories tonight so many people though climate change was some myth but until it hit home right in front of you , may be ruin your favorite investment cause lose and be reported by a journalist you have been looking down at is when you will come to realize that those reporters are not only people but a voice that bring a big impact to society we live in daily.