A call for help

Photo Credit: Kadder

We are fundraising


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Now,more than ever we need your support beautiful people.We have launched our program for next year but we need first to deal with the big elephant in the house,lack of resources.We need to be empowered not spoon fed. By simply sharing this post or donating any amount that you have, you will help us acquire the equipment and material that we need to champion development and *end drug and substance misuse in Gwanda.Our mission is to impact positively on at least one hundred youth in Gwanda by 2024 through our drum majourettes and The Real Jahunda Masters Clubs.If ever,at once or anytime,someone close to you has been or is being affected by drug abuse,you know how bad it is. Let us Keep Gwanda Clean From Drugs Be a hero, donate any amount,share the post to your community, friends, family,work mates,church mates,relatives in the diaspora....whosoever....however...anything...anyhow...but please don't ignore this and let this social pandemic win.Just do something.Any

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Moments of Hope
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