A devoted Teacher

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Nabaweesi Suzan


Joined Oct 30, 2023

My name is Nabaweesi Suzan am a teacher by professional and a single mother of two sons.

I grew from different families (relatives) ,I went in those families to look for help towards my Education, I used to work for my relatives as a house maid in order to get school dues to sustain my education.

I grew up admiring teachers and after my secondary education I joined teacher training college.I got my certificate as a grade 111 teacher and I started teaching in a primary school in our village.

After a few years I joined university were I got a diploma in primary Education.

Since I was supported by different people through out my education I also wanted to help children who are needy to also acquire quality education, I decided to start up a primary school called Homeland junior school Nantabulirwa and am now helping over twenty children in my school.


I have faced a lot to bring up my sons and to pay their school dues as a single mother. I thank God that one of them is completing his examination to acquire in bicholor in computer science, networking and syber security and the last one is in s.5 and he wants to be a lawyer.

My school got a loan before covid 19 outbreak and during covid 19 lockdowns schools were not operating so the loan grew bigger and bigger its a big challenge to pay teachers ,feed the children and as well as paying the loan in a big sum of money.

I thank God because I came from far because I started a school in a small plot which my father gave me but I have managed to expand although am still having big debts.

My dream :

I would like to see my school expanded with better buildings.

I would like to help more children to acquire quality education through my school and even when they go in secondary schools.

I would like to help school drop outs and disadvantaged youths and single in skilling so that they can also have a brighter future and sustain their lives.

I hope to construct hostels so that I can help even those who are coming from far.

I have started a local poultry farm so I wish also to train single mothers and help them start so that they can get school dues,health care and food for their children.

I would also like to help in stopping domestic violence in my community.

I would like to aid girl children education.

Am Nabaweesi Suzan

A devoted Teacher and a mother.

First Story
Peace Building
Moments of Hope
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