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Rose Iromuanya


Joined Sep 3, 2010

WEB 2.0 - VOF 2010 WEEK ONE

For me, Web 2.0 is a learning experience. It affords me a hands-on training instruction on how to navigate my way through the Internet. It is a real fun and easy way to interact with women all over the world, and gets my messages across globally. I am really exited to have access to this powerful tool, and to have it added to my knowledge.

Even for a novice, Web 2.0 is user friendly, and it gives me all I need to get my job done efficiently, without stress. I find it to be a very effective form of training. I am now very confident, and happy to be a part of VOF 2010.

Web 2.0 has some very useful and informative terms that give one the needed guidance to the use of computer and the Internet .With the aid of Web 2.0; women are empowered to have their voices heard, communicating effectively with one another, and making a difference. It also gets women to share their thoughts about their affairs.

The solutions that Web 2.0 brings to the global women’s empowerment is that it has given us the opportunity to be participants, and affords universal access to information from any computer, thereby making it less stressful in getting our voices heard.

Web 2.0 has already empowered me, in that it has given me the ability to read, and to be read from other women globally, and this allows me to be a well informed person. With the training I got from Web 2.0, I can confidently refer myself as a citizen journalist, in that I can publish, and distribute my stories globally through the Internet.

Web 2.0 has a very positive impact on me; it will continue to be empowering to me because it has given me links to other women, and the ability to hear and be heard.
With the aid of Web 2.0, I believe I can navigate my way to the success of becoming one of the 2010 Global Correspondents.

If this is not empowerment, I wonder what else is.
Thank you World Pulse, for having me on board, and getting me well equipped.
More power.

Rose Candy @ GrandmaRose Foundation

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