A rising generation of women

I was a special guest to speak about my digital experience with worldpulse

International women day hosted by monusco


You are one of my favorite months because you allow us to be loud on gender issues and also highlight female leadership.

This year we are talking about digital, a tangible proof that the gender aspect goes through years leaving behind a slow but remarkable impact.

My acknowledgments goes to the generation of Clara Zetkin who raised the gender issue in the time; I also pay tribute to the new generation involved in changing the gender narrative and the gender equity.

A day dedicated to women, which was enlightened by some women then, today arouses particular enthusiasm in the world. In the West just as in the East, women are rising up to multiply decisive demands.

In Bukavu, my hometown, women are increasingly proclaiming their femininity, demanding their rights and taking the lead. We are crossing the era of confining the leadership of women to motherhood.

Beyond having biological responsibilities, doing household chores, women gradually become involved in the secular world. That is to say that women demonstrate through their pragmatism that it is possible to match these two worlds.

What could be better than women around the world becoming aware of their original responsibility in society!

“It is not good for man to be alone,” said the lord. We are also eyewitnesses of how the absence of women on the professional scene creates imbalance and delays development of several institutions in Africa particularly.

In the Congo, for example, toxic masculinists place women in the kitchen. From what I see, kitchen remains the best well-governed entity in my country.

Starting from decision-making positions, peace agreements and peremptory responsibilities, women count in second place, yet their contribution is essential. Gender inequalities still persist.

We are increasingly migrating to a digital world where the future is bright for women. The gap between digital technology and women plays and will play against gender equity.

In a generation migrating from slate to keyboard, we must deploy the mechanisms for sensitizing women and girls to the digital world, support for initiatives entrepreneurship of girls and women in the digital world, the digital skills improvement of young girls in all fields as well as the reduction digital divide and infrastructures

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