Agro business : A Tool for Women Empowerment

I would like to encourage women to always have a mentor who teaches her to work hard.

I started my work as a volunteer when no salary was available working hand in hand with my sister Neema Namadamu.

I helped her as a translator when she was creating the Synergy of Women Associations.

I applied twice for the Young African Leadership Initiave program and did not suceeded ,but i did not give up.

This year i applied for the training in Israel on Agri business: A tool for women empowerment in my local church.

It is only because i gained experiences and knowledge while working with Neema several years that i heppened to convinced the admission team.

I am so grateful to Neema and her leadership.

I encourage other young girls to work hard in order to bring positive change.

I know that when back from Israel,the knowledge i will gained there will surely help my organisation and my community.

Women are change makers.

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