Photo Credit: Jonathan Yeo art in collage by Dr Kris Rampersad. No rights claimed on the image, for educational, review and discussive purposes only.
AI vs Art Portrait of King Charles by Jonathan Yeo depiction of the Monarch collage with heritage educator Dr Kris Rampersad
In the ongoing debate about AI and Art and its growing use to generate art, artistic and creative content, Dr Kris Rampersad takes a close look at the recently unveiled Portrait of King Charles III and its insights into the legacy and heritage of the Monarch as depicted in the art of Jonathan Yeo with keen insights into the role of art, the artist, sitter and subject in society.
This follows an earlier post on how AI is distorting the core essence and reality of her own innovation - creation of the world's newest creative genre, the Multimedia MicroEpic which adapts the longform classical epic for shortform new media.
These also form part of initiative for confronting the Colonial Mindset and reversing entrenched conditioning through historical patriarchal education, culturation and media systems.
No rights claimed on the image, for educational, review and discussive purposes only.