An agonist Tear!

Baby Earth

If shame was a blow, how many would you have received, I agonist. What eys saw can't be said . Our strength remained scarry, because who can dare? We all claim but it's only take the courageous to step forward with your fight.

The other nights, the floods, the lost souls, the tremors, the fires, the quake's so scary, we can't sleep. Did I said scary, aww what might you have felt?

How all started I don't seem to crasp, I ask myself. With eyes wide open I empathize you. Oh how health you used to be, very beautiful at your youth, I imagine you splendor body. What a shiny and smooth face I used to behold in your site, a caressing breast that I wish I could have for myself.

Your slender and long legs cannot be underestimated. Now, you are full of bruises every where, an infliction of tyranny. You whose power was limitless is now vulnerable.

My feets trembles as I look back on your story, who am I? The future is unpredictable indeed my friend, see the laughter we use to have, today we cry day in day out.

We walk as with strength but our legs are fainted beneath us, we drift and dangling side by side. Who is our confident, please hurry, hurry to our aid...

Hopes are loss, courage dismissed, laughter turn to regrets, pains, envy, and hatred. Ooh dear friend, is hope lost for us?

I am shivering but am not showered with cold water, I sweat but siting in an air condition room, it's dark, very dark as I walk in day broad light.

What went wrong, exclaimed! Is it our mental state that destroyed us, could it be arrogance, or it is selfishness, we have to find a cause or causes.

Remaining here will damage us, see the future ahead, it was not ordained to be like we are today,

Come along, let's take joy in our lost. It's still raining but not forever, clouds will melt at our forge, door will open in our agreement. If know humans acknowledge us, Angels will, if flocks reject us Lillie's will bow to us.

My legs are still fainted beneath me, run run they are coming after us, hide there and let them pass. Stay little longer, they are lingering. With power we could be devour... hmmm!

Yes, finally we can cry out with a joyful heart. It's conquer, the odd, our desparity was won. Feebleminded is a liability, it's debt carry forever. Off load your weight. Money , power, and courage will see us in the path.

Dear friend Earth, it was surely a journey for the two of us, however we never give up in our quest to restore ourselves, outcome was abundant with joy.

Al that was needed was or persistence and courage to fight all in power , in authority that because of personal interest tries to keep us apart from a great and beneficial company.

See your product all over, the serene waters, the thin dark forest, the vast plain fields, the deep breeze from your oceans, the noise of the creatures in your oceans that gladens our heart, your cold ice rains with blocks, what I love most your smoke of snows all over across, how can we let all go?

It's worth we fighting to regain our strength and remain united. I am glad to be your friend. You taught me courage, even as you are in pain you smile to me, as you are weak you walk like a giant, your humility is like chill cold water on my cheeks every morning.

Who can be like you? You remain steadfast forever. Thank you for you a great loyal friendship. You are my rock and my hope in aces to come I am glad I pass through you dear Earth.

Narrative Description:

This is my narrative Description with disguise mother Earth. In this my narrative letter mother earth was a reliable source of friend even as it got it own problems. As a mother she fought all odds to be there for me and alo herself.

The moral lesson for us humans mothers , we are to imititae mother earth wonderful and amazing characteristics in our daily living and dealing with one another.

Even as mother earth was struggling to survived because of human bads attitude that is degrading her, she still maintain balance in exhibiting her appealing personality traits, like compassion, humility, persistent, and above all her courage to face all humiliation in the treatment humans gave to her.

She was in pain but nobody saw it but her close friend. See how her children were treated by the bad humans attitude. Her water body, her forest, her vast plain fields, her bodies in the oceans starve for food because of water pollution, bush burning and wild fires destroyed her other bodies in the Forest.

Yet see how she comport herself? Are you a ladylike like mother earth? Are you a mother like , like mother Earth, courageous and ready to fight all odds to prevail.

I have no dought that our mother earth is a conquerer. The shame is still ours if we don't give up in destroying our own and only earth. Do we think we are harming anybody or mother earth? Oh no, we are harming our own self and it will definitely be too late if we persistent.

Always remember if you throw a single plastic it becomes thousands within one minutes as it will not be only you throwing that plastic bag. However, if your retreat throwing a single plastic bag, you save a 0 plastics bags on the street, in our gutter, in our streams, in our lagooms, in our beaches and in our homes.

Desists from collecting many plastics bags when you go shopping or better yet use a reusable basket or portable bags for all your shopping to avoid littering our streets with plastics bags

Campaign for mother Earth✋🏽❤️

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