An Opportunity Don't Define my Success , But Your Envy Define Your Limits



I was Born Visionary , Humans envy , delusion fear of the next success , made them obsessed with they don't know how to execute , Am Computer Science am Simple 0 and 1 developer but i never in my life thought this 0 and 1 will piss a nation and woke organization as women in my young years i was full of hopes of changing the world to better place , but no we live in jungle where a raised an animals think they can compete with humans intelligence my mother is uneducated but she taught us education is free , when i was a young girl i never thought woke agendas will extend to fight intelligence and come across it with propaganda where pampared men who is supported by other men that both lack thinking and facing reality will try to face me , being a weak man hunting womens intelligence and oberasing them in zosocity that choose to passief forget that they carry color plate to define who they are what they do and , still get money and bed for it , it is disgrace for womens the mothers the warriors where thos e are protected and the brave mothers losing their children in wars for them to gain money and comfort bed sheets , an opportunity is not me a job is only to feed me but i run their world cause no technology or fucked up machines can save them , in Science envy is normal thinking you can copy someone its fine stealing research and copying it , its fine but companies give you money and you end up to choose to be monkey , tracking people virtually is fine , going after their jobs is fine , hating also is fing , but to end in the best bed sheets where people are dying for no reason is useless , as woke choose a name for your action but being a lame person hungry for non- existing victory is out of your dreaming head , the west support for weak men " where women wear pink they hunt it too " over womens fear of their success we wear pink but we are not afraid to share it

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