Be my mantra.

I recently visited a friend of mine who is admitted in hospital.Her body had started swelling all over and she had to undergo various tests to determine the cause.She was in unbearable pain and required high dosage of medication to relieve some of the pain.Even though this was not happening to me,I felt her pain.We are both in our final semester,the last lap that will lead us to the finish line, graduation.But suddenly her body fails and now she is in constant pain and her family is worried about the outcome of the results.

This scenario reminded me of a single word,Gratitude.It made me realise the need of appreciating the present, the fact that I'm healthy and my family's safe and well, despite the challenges we are facing in our individual lives.The need to be a grateful soul.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, often deviating from the path we envisioned. But the grateful soul understands that the beauty of life lies not just in the expected outcomes, but in the unexpected detours as well. It's like stumbling upon a hidden gem in the midst of chaos, a reminder that beauty can be found even in the most unlikely places.

#gratitude is the best attitude mantra

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