Behind the scenes

Don't look like your problem

Smile while you can

Dear starlight, 

This is a letter from me to you, there's more to the smiles and laughter you see out there.

Stop thinking about what your challenges it is good to think yes! But don't you know overthinking damages health, especially mental health?

When you thought you'd seen it all that is when another person's scene started, your chapter 20 is chapter one of someone else.

We don't have to look like our problem, Yes, it is true.

Many are smiling outwardly but deep inside of them are thorns of sorrow and bitterness caused by their problems but you admire their beauty and laughter.

Those at the top you look up to today have passed through that same problem of yours but they made it out alive and sane.

This is my role model, that is my role model, go check their behind-the-scenes and you will realise that anything good won't come easily. You have to be consistent and determined to be like your role model which means you have to battle with your own behind the scenes successfully for your smiles and laughter to be seen by all.

People are only concerned about the result, the struggles to get the result they admire so much are being overlooked but my dear don't be pressured rather be motivated by those successes you admire and aim for.

Come out of your comfort zone get to work and tackle those challenges that seem like a mountain.

Wait! Do you know that there's no mountain anywhere?

Every man's ignorance is his mountain.

Darling, get the right information from the right people in the right location with this you will see your behind-the-scenes as a peanut and you will find it so easy to tackle it.

Behind the scenes are the most bittersweet experiences ever 🥺😁.

Let go of pressures, get your head straight and read books that build a new valuable mindset.

🎯 Finally, always remember that the goal is to be motivated and not to be pressured.

Yours faithfully,

Zipporah 💓😘

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