

A picture of African girls of high school age as well as African women standing as a group, holding yellow nylon bags.

Building Blocks

A lone tree can be battered and broken by the elements but when the wind batters a Grove of trees or forest, they withstand it's wrath and stand together. The children and young adults that brought about this initiative taught me that we are stronger together like links in a chain, they taught me that we could reach higher together like building blocks.

I taught, empowered and encouraged and when the chips were down, when the challenges that come with the territory brought us down, our beneficiaries stood up and took the initiative, they bolstered us and reminded us why we woke each day trudged, sacrificed and faced each day head on. They gave us a glimpse into a future that would be as long as we never gave up on them.

Challenges and difficulties around, yet we will prevail. WE ARE TITANS A PRIMAL FORCE BEYOND COMPREHENSION.

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