Call for Articles: FemAsia October 2023 Issue

Femasia Magazine open call for articles

Are you passionate about women's issues, gender dynamics, or culture? Your unique voice and perspectives matter, and we want to hear from you!

About femAsia

FemAsia is a platform dedicated to amplifying diverse voices and fostering open discussions on topics related to women, gender, and culture. We believe in the power of personal experiences and storytelling to drive meaningful change. In a world where the narratives of women have often been overlooked or misunderstood, FemAsia Magazine has emerged as a powerful force for change. It showcases the multifaceted experiences, achievements, and challenges faced by women, contributing to a more accurate and holistic understanding of their lives. This dedication to authenticity and diversity has fostered a sense of community and belonging among readers.

Why You Should Contribute

  • Share your unique experiences and insights with a global audience.
  • Join a vibrant community of individuals passionate about women, gender, and Asian culture.
  • Contribute to shaping the discourse on these important topics.

Get Involved

Join us in sparking meaningful conversations and making a difference. Submit your article today and be a part of the October 2023 issue of femAsia!

Your voice matters, and together, we can create positive change.


Submission Deadline: 15th of October 2023.

For inquiries, reach out to or visit FemAsia Magazine

#femAsia #CallForArticles #WomenEmpowerment #GenderEquality #AsianCulture #SubmitYourArticle #ShareYourVoice

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