Written By The Bundu Therapist : Climate Trauma Activist and Conscious Leadership Coach

This story is based on a true experience from the recent flood that took place in Mozambique:

Mr Abigado , weary from toil, stands on top of a hill overlooking his home. His heart pounds with fear as he watches the torrential waters rage below, threatening to swallow everything in their path. With bated breath, he waits, praying for the tempest to relent.

As the floodwaters recede, he descends the hill, hope flickering like a fragile flame in the darkness of his despair. But what greets him at the bottom shatters his world into a million irreparable fragments – his home, his sanctuary, washed away in a merciless torrent, taking with it his beloved wife and two precious boys.

In the aftermath of the deluge, amidst the ruins of his once-happy life, he stands alone, adrift in a sea of confusion and grief. Help arrives in the form of shelter, food, and material aid – but what of the wounds that cannot be seen? The gaping chasm in his soul, the shattered fragments of his psyche?

Here lies the crux of the matter, the silent scream echoing in the darkness – where does one find solace for the shattered spirit, the fractured mind? In a world consumed by the urgency of physical need, the silent cries of the soul often go unheard, drowned out by the clamor of survival.

But let us not turn a blind eye to the invisible wounds that linger long after the floodwaters recede. Let us heed the call to action, to extend a hand not only in material aid but also in the healing balm of empathy and understanding. For in the depths of despair, it is the light of human compassion that offers hope, that breathes life into the ashes of devastation.

This is our rallying cry, our call to arms – to shine a spotlight on the forgotten victims of natural disasters, to acknowledge the vital importance of mental and emotional well-being in the journey of recovery. Let us stand together, united in our commitment to lift the fallen, to heal the broken, and to rebuild lives shattered by the merciless forces of nature.

For in the darkness of despair, it is the warmth of human kindness that illuminates the path to redemption. Let us answer the call, not with empty words or fleeting gestures, but with the unwavering resolve to be beacons of hope in a world consumed by darkness.

Let us stand together, shoulder to shoulder, and shine a spotlight on the oft-neglected aspect of post-disaster recovery: the human spirit. Only then can we begin to truly heal the wounds of the past and forge a path towards a brighter, more resilient future.


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