The ‘Victory Kiss’ has been disapproved not only in Spain but also globally with a substantial number of persons calling for the resignation of Rubiales and him claiming he is a victim of ‘False Feminism’ and his close allies taking drastic measures to demonstrate the misogynistic attitudes towards him exemplified by his Mother going on hunger strike even as currently she is in a medical facility receiving treatment due to her action.

The Spanish Female Football team led by President Luis Rubiales won the fiercely competitive FIFA Female World Cup which saw previous winners like Germany being defeated by neophytes. The victory which was widely celebrated by the Spaniards was short lived by a controversial victory kiss by Rubiales to the captain of the team Jenni Hermoso in the full glare of global media after they won their final match with England. The backlash on Rubiales was immediate, he was accused of passionately kissing a lady (Hermoso) without her permission even as she in my candid opinion did not shrug him off if she did not want to be kissed.

The ‘Victory Kiss’ has been disapproved not only in Spain but also globally with a substantial number of persons calling for the resignation of Rubiales and him claiming he is a victim of ‘False Feminism’ and his close allies taking drastic measures to demonstrate the misogynistic attitudes towards him exemplified by his Mother going on hunger strike even as currently she is in a medical facility receiving treatment due to her action.

As an Afrocentric Feminist and a strong proponent of ‘Bodily Autonomy’ I am of the strong perspective that Woman should not be touched by anyone without their total consent, hence Hermoso had the right to push off Rubiales if she did not want to be kissed but she did not but later forcefully claiming that he kissed her against her wish. The issue has once again brought to the fore about what truly is ‘Feminism’ and if Feminism is a deep abhorrence for Men by a selected group of the Female Gender who regard themselves as ‘Feminists’.

Finally it is sad that the victory of the Spanish Football team was shortened   by an ardent kiss - an unwarranted public display of fondness but I sincerely hope that members of the team are able to triumphantly look at the World Cup and glow in their victory even as the kisser just resigned his position as President.

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