

The Prophet (SAW) Said "Allah is kind, and He loves Kindness in all matters," (Bukhari 6528)

Be it my Students, Friends, or any other person I might not know earlier, who might be facing any personal or professional issue(s) and can't express fully or talk about the same to their family(Parents, Siblings etc .), .Please let me help you even if it means just a patient listening from my side as I'm genuinely going to do my best to help you out.


Lately, I have been an active member and now a certified facilitator at the Young Leaders Program from Creatnet Education Platform Creatnet – Learning & Leading based in Delhi and a certified SMILE Professional from Pravah,

also a Delhi Based Organization. Besides I have also been appreciated and certified by "Be the Change" an NGO based in Hyderabad, India. Moreover received SHE INSPIRES AWARDS 2023 from Hyderabad based NGO from BE the change NGO whose founder is Lavanya Gudelli.

And what I took away from the above learning platforms over the span of almost four years is that we all are born with a purpose, and my purpose is to serve the society in the best way possible.

In this connection, I'm volunteering to genuinely hear about your problems, and I will try my best to provide a possible way out based on my experiences.

Every Sunday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, I will be addressing the individual(s)facing such issue(s).

Till now successfully helped more than 30 individuals will share their feedback soon in the upcoming story .

High Regards

Bhat Aafiya

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