Day 7 #16 days of activitism (PROJECT CHISESO)


Due to the patriarchal nature of Malawian culture, women are heavily dependent on men, in so many things including the financial aspect of day to day living. This is largely so, especially in the rural areas of Malawi. This is a result of many cultural and religious beliefs which force women to subjugate themselves before men. This leads to high incidences of cases of Gender Based Violence in so many ways, coming in all manners and forms, some of which are not even spoken of. Some women do not really know that what they are experiencing is abuse which is not to be condoned because they have accepted it as normal. This project is designed to eradicate such problems by connecting directly with the victims and possible victims. This project aims at strengthening them and building their capacity through civic education, and giving them a platform on which they can speak freely, in a collective bid to curb Gender Based Violence.

Research shows that for a long period of time there have been many initiatives and interventions by different sectors of society to combat gender based violence in communities in Malawi. Most of these initiatives are disseminated through messaging using different media such as Radio, Television, Print media (newspapers, flyers and IEC materials) Social Media (internet, Facebook, Whatsapp), etc. A close inspection reveals that these mediums favour people living in urban areas and, in the rural areas, they neglect those who have no privilege and access to radios, television, smart phones, computers and newspaper circulation.

The gender based violence problem is so broad, with its causes range from financial to religious and cultural beliefs. In the remote societies it is still a norm that men are supposed to be superior to women and the fact that most women in remote areas cannot depend on their own finances complicates the situation because it provides a weak spot for them to be exploited.

Community Care Trust intends to address these problems and offer sustainable solutions that are tailored towards specific communities in rural are

as in Malawi.

Myself and my team we tend to start recognises the need for PROJECT CHISESO and seeks support to successfully implement the project, as follows:

• Support with initiatives to reach out to child survivors of gender based violence.

• Support with opening of teen clubs, women clubs and youth hubs where they will teach each other life skills; with visits from experts time to time, with the aim of opening up to peers in what is happening in their lives as far as GBV is concerned.

• Support with initiatives to help communities to open up about the abuse they are facing; and give them awareness of relevant authorities they can contact in such situations.

• Support with activities to ensure that women, youths and the disable are financially stable.


The goal of the Project CHISESO is to raise awareness of issues of gender based violence in rural areas and engage the communities in initiatives towards the eradication of gender based violence cases amongst marginalised communities.


The project has 3 main objectives:

(i) To find the child survivors of gender based violence from their parents 

(ii) To examine the number of disabled youths and women affected by gender based violence in a particular community for further assistance from other well wishers 

(iii) To provide mind-set change activities to both the youth and women on gender


1. The project will guide men and women, and the youth how to handle gender based violence at family level

2. The project will give business ideas to both the youth and women in rural areas 

3. The project aims to end gender based violence within Malawian rural communities 

And in Combination with Community Care Trust,Timvane Community Based Organization ,SkyWay Activista Youth Network,Youth Action Response Network n Youth Forum For National started our journey #16 days of activitism at Kauma by Conducting an Awareness Campaign on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights n Gender Based Violence Issues which greatly impacts Youth women, and People's Lives, we also Distributed soap,cloths shoes to the both girls and women


YOUTH Empowerment

Endviolence Againstwomen

PEPY Empowering Youth


Stop Gender Based Violence - Gbv Awareness

Let's rise up this is not a time to sleep .. especially us women .let's not wait for men to fight for lus .we need to fight outlr battles's very sad ot see my fellow womenn who are married not realizing what they are facing is gender based violence , and top of that they actually speak out saying they cannot report their husbands who are abusing them because they lose their marriage

Some of them they actually watch their daughter's being sexually abused and keeping quiet about it , I am a living example of sexual harassment at work..I stood up and shared the issue it voicing out is very important women , the project will proceed even after the 16 days of activitism



• Production of a documentary which covers all the left out issues of GBV (i.e. child upbringing, psychological effects of GBV and how it affects development) and including its effects and why we need to curb it. The documentary should be done in English and local languages according to the target audience which should also include sign languages for the deaf and dumb.

• Production of a newsletter, banners, T-shirts and any other promotion materials.

• Setting community civic education campaigns where there will be free cinemas where people will watch the documentaries and also use the already existing channels of message dissemination (Television, radios, newspapers and internet) for others who have the capacity to access the message.


• Teaching the underprivileged survival moneymaking skills so that they are financially stable e.g. tailoring, baking, entrepreneurship etc.

• Initiating adult literacy schools and encouraging children to go to school (when a person is educated is hard to be exploited and abused)


• Opening up teen clubs where people will feel safe to open up when abused. It’s easy for a person to open up to people they know and trust so people can open up to people around them easily which means many GBV cases can be exposed easily through these clubs. These clubs can also act as an easy link between the organization and the rural people.


Taking into account the era we are in this project will not give a blind eye to Covid-19. It will follow all the precautions as given by the government and health experts e.g.

• Distributing masks during gatherings and making sure everybody has put them on appropriately.

• Observing social distance among participants.

• Gatherings not exceeding the maximum number of people

16 Days
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Sexual and Reproductive Rights
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