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Madeleine Bwenge

Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

Joined Jun 8, 2012

Ce matin, je venais dentendre sur une radio locale, linterview quun journaliste accordait a une femme rurale de Kamanyola, en territoire de Walungu, province du Sud Kivu. Cette femme agricultrice se plaignait de linsecurite a laquelle se voit confrontee les habitants de sa contree par la presence des hypopotames. Selon cette derniere, la population ne se plus aller au champ parceque ces animaux aquatiques sortent du lac tanganika a la recherche de la nourriture dans les champs de la population situes sur le littoral. Ces animaux viennent en grand troupeaux, plus ou moins 17 hipopotames, ils attaquent les personnes rencontrees sur leurs passages. La femme a bel et bien precise quun jeune homme est tombe victime lorsque lun de ces animaux avait mis bas dans son champ, celui ci a paye de lagressivite de ces animaux.
La femme a lance un cri dalarme pour que ces qnimqux soient tues. Cependant, cet animal faisant partie de la liste des animaux totalement proteges par la loi en RDC, notre plaidoyer va urgemment etre orientee vers des actions de refoulement, en vue de terroriser ces animaux pour quils puissent continuer a rester dans leur habitat naturel , cest a dire, dans le lac et non sur lespace terrestre, sous peine de causer de nomreux degats, car, plusieurs perimetres de cultures sont actuellement decimmees. Cette population croupit dans une grande peur detre devore par ces animaux.

English translation by PulseWire member milsgra

This morning, I heard on one of the local radio stations, journalist interviewing a rural woman from Kamanyola in the Walungu territory south province Kivu. That woman who is a farmer was complaining about the fear that the people faced because of the presence of hippopotamus. According to the woman, the people are no longer able to go to their fields because these aquatic animals get out lake Tanganika to look for food in the fields located on the coast. These animals come in packs, more or less 17 hippopotamus that attack the people they meet on their path. The woman clearly stated that a young man became a victim when one of the animals ravaged his field; he was a victim of the animals’ aggressiveness. The woman raises the alarm to get those animals killed. Meanwhile this animal is on the list of endangered species and is protected by law in DRC. Our speech for the defense is going to urgently support actions to drive them back, in the aim to terrorize these animals forcing them to remain in their natural habitat, that means the lake and not any land space, fearing that they will cause numerous damages, because many perimeter of crops have been decimated. That population is crippled by the looming fear of being devoured by these animals.

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