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Joined Sep 7, 2024

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Who said dreams don't come true,they do just not all of them or maybe they does but maybe a little late or not on the right time when you stop chasing them and they are no longer your dreams anymore.its difficult to say "oh,that's not my dream anymore"when you stop chasing your goals and stop working for them they no longer are your goals anymore they have become your dreams that you somehow want to become a reality but you don't work to earn it,you don't do any efforts and then blame it on others that "oh she demotivated me" like if she would'nt have used some words you would be working on your dreams or "if i could get a chance one more time I would do it" blah blah when people think something is too hard they stop doing it insted of working extra hard on it and then blame it on the society that socicty wouldnt accept it any way i am not saying that society dont intrupts in your dreams and stuff but lets suppose you are a doctor who words 9/5 and have a monthly salery of around 50,00$and you are living a happy life have a luxury life style and then people around you says that you should quit your job just because they dont like you profession so,would you quit your job no, you would'nt then why you care about others opinion,

I don't have any goals for my life yet but I do have some dreams,some big dreams like I want to be a model ,actress and stuff I used to want to be a singer too but not anymore overtime I realize I sound like goat but so does Shakira I mean that's what her teacher said but that's a whole different topic and I also realize that singing is just not for me but you know my family is holding my string and I can never fulfill that dream but please don't let go of your dreams that easily seeing other child actors I always used to inspired but over time that part of me also healed.....

now i just live according to my parents just because I let go of my dreams but it doesn't mean I forget about it and that I will never try again,I will test my charm one more time ....but for now keep traveling and listen to my journey with meeeee..........byeeee

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