Empowering Women Digitally in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan

I am Zahra Nooreen, and my journey is a testament to the transformative power of determination and the pursuit of a vision against all odds. As the CEO and Co-founder of "SheDev," the pioneering women-led tech company in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan, my mission has been to empower women in a region where social and cultural values often limit their opportunities.


In a community where women are not freely allowed to work due to entrenched norms, I chose to challenge these restrictions. At an age when societal expectations leaned toward marriage, my passion was dedicated to creating a platform that would grant financial independence to girls in Gilgit Baltistan.

This decision brought about family issues, as close relatives opposed my choice to prioritize entrepreneurship over marriage. Yet, amidst these challenges, my parents and siblings became pillars of support, standing by my side as unwavering advocates for change.

The journey was not without its obstacles. In a region with limited job opportunities for girls and transportation challenges, building SheDev became a pursuit of breaking barriers not just in business but in societal expectations. Acceptance from the community was a mixed bag, with some questioning the unconventional path and others recognizing the urgency for change.


The struggle extended beyond local dynamics. Networking and business development in a far-flung area posed additional challenges, but overcoming these became integral to establishing SheDev as a transformative force in the tech industry.

My efforts were recognized through prestigious awards, including the "Award of Excellence for Model Entrepreneurship" and the "Outstanding Achievement" award from the Ministry of IT and Telecommunication in Pakistan. Acknowledgment among the top 100 freelancers by the Pakistan Software Export Board further validated the impact of our work.

Media outlets, both national and international, shared my story, amplifying the message of women's empowerment and entrepreneurship in Gilgit Baltistan. Features in BBC Urdu, the Coffee Book by PSEB, and national media solidified my role as a leader in this cause.


As I continue to break barriers and redefine societal expectations, my journey is a source of inspiration for those who believe in the potential of every girl. Through resilience, community support, and an unwavering commitment to change, I am determined to contribute to the broader landscape of Pakistan and beyond, where every woman can chart her path and make a meaningful impact on the world.

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