It's talk about the world of a girl child from her barefoot to her sharp hills.

Photo Credit: E-LondA

A.I picture by E-LondA on a grandma with her little pumpkin

When I was a child, I behaved like a child, I talked like a child, and I walked like a child, but when I grew up, I left behind every childhood attitude. but sometimes it feels like I can go back to being a child so I can have the opportunity I have missed.


Little child parents watch and marvel at the magic of a new life—such a beauty to behold. but, all of a sudden, just like a flash, changes began to occur. 


I felt the same way when my little sister was a baby. I felt I could hold and protect her forever because she looked so innocent and fragile, and I always wanted to keep her in my arms and gaze at her innocent and beautiful set of eyes. but, so soon, her tiny feet were clapping the floor, sounding like a soft clap on a worship Sunday morning, running and laughing so loudly.


With her small, tiny hands, she will always want to help out in every activity of the day, and with time, the pitch of her feet increased from moment to moment. Before I could look again, my little princess was making the steps that lead to maturity, one day at a time.


Childhood is a process that comes with innocence,but, no matter how sweet the time can be, she will surely move from her bare feet to sharp heels one day at a time. Obviously, it's a long walk, but the little feet must tread to reach the plimsoil and pocketbooks.


Growth is paramount to everything. With her innocence, she needs to tread on someone's wisdom because it is a journey up a hill. Because of the steep hills, some people are unable to complete the journey without falling and getting several cuts and bruises. Therefore, she needs to lean on her mother's guidelines and advice.


She needs to be taught and learn to know her God and herself, to know her environment, and to know the essence of her being. She needs to learn to accept the changes that will occur in her body in the name of maturity.


She must be strong enough to swift from bare feet (childhood) to sharp heels (adulthood, then womanhood).


The role of the parents is to guide her. teach her how to make the right decisions at some point in life. Teach her to ask questions wherever she gets stuck or confused; help her to get back on her feet if she falls; put her back on track; scold her where necessary; and above all, love her beyond measure.


Dear girl child,.

You must be a fighter. The stage you are growing into comes with challenges; this is something you are not likely to escape, but you have the girl power within you to overcome and survive challenges.


Dear mothers.

Today's little baby is a blank sheet of paper. What is written on her today will leave an almost indelible imprint behind. Be sure before the pencil touches that what you are about to write is a parament mark on the life of an innocent child.



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