Get 4 extra days a month

Are you a busy person with your professional life? Then I am sure you are curious on how this is possible. Actually I learnt this from a course. Therefore I thought to share this with you.

This is regarding speed reading. Speed reading means speed up the reading without losing the comprehension. You guys may probably have busy schedules in your daily lives. Sometimes, you may have to spend over time in your offices to complete up your daily targets. We have so many stuffs to read. But sometimes, we loss our concentration while reading. Then we reread. Sometimes we feel bored. Sometimes, we have no enough time to read all the documents. If you have these issues, speed reading is a good practice you must have to go through.

Just think, if you are able to improve your reading speed by 100%. Then think about this example. If you are reading just 2 hours a day, then you can read the same content in 1 hour using speed reading practices. Then you have saved 1 hour a day. Then it is 7 hours a week. It is 28 hours a month. If we take a man day as 7 hours, Then you have 28/4 = 4 extra days a month. This is how you can get 4 extra days a month. But I know you may spend more hours with reading. Then, you can save more days. This is just my example. I am not a deadly reader.

There are many techniques used to speed up the reading. I learnt different techniques through the course. I hope to write them in future. If you are a book lover, you would be able to read more books a month through this. If you have exams, you may get more time to revise your lessons through this. If you are rushed in work, you may get more free time to stay with your kids through this.

I thought this concept will help most of our world pulse sisters, to ease the life. If you are interested I can give you more details on what I did. Try to go through this. Because speed reading is a life skill. No worries, it will help you throughout your life. 

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