Getting Darker by Dawn

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End femicide,protect the future from destruction


Barely up to a month since the year began and the country is smeared with cold blood of women who have died in the hands of their supposed partners. Femicide is on the rise in Kenya and rights groups are seeking justice. At least four women have been killed and their perpetrators are people they have a thing with and a question pops up,” is it a crime to love or to find love in possible sites (dating sites)? How safe are the women in the journey of love?”

The tension can’t be ignored, fear is in the air and murders have brought about outrage in social media even women have gone to the extent of holding peaceful demonstrations to hasten the fight against femicide. They go under the hashtag HerLifeMatters, because indeed it does matter, if you are done with her let her go, her heart will heal someday but her cut-short life can’t be regained and the hurt of her family can go away.

Men you are supposed to protect your women and not to threaten their life. If it is bitterness against women why can’t you remember that one good thing a woman did to you and let her go when you mean harm, I mean if not for any other woman at least for your mother, who gave you a life and a chance to explore it. Had someone threatened her life there wouldn’t be you. Bitterness ruins the person in the process, with murder you cannot get away so lives have been wasted, from hers that was cut short to yours that won’t get fulfilled because it will be wasted in prison, I mean no freedom to do what you wanted with your life.

From dating sites to the normal way of dating it is not that safe because you can’t entirely tell what the intentions of one are, they unwrap in stages. Dear women a lot is going on in society so no matter the end you find yourself trust your instincts they are always ahead of you, spelling out the danger even before it comes up. It is a wild world, most people have through humanity away so while with them be careful and if you can’t handle them any longer, walk while there is still time. You can start all over again and recover from heartbreak but can’t regain your life after losing it. You are not a coward for walking away but rather brave enough to let go of what brought about your happiness not knowing whether such will ever find you again.

My dear youthful ladies approach love with caution, not everything that looks like love is it. Don’t get carried away by the pressure of having rich boyfriends, most of the time it doesn’t end well. Not only will you be disrupted from pursuing your life but you will be like a slave, obligated to do as he pleases because you’re at his mercy. When your parents send you to the university to do just the studying, some things will fall in place at the appropriate time, chasing would be sending yourself to an early grave, letting things be, letting them unfold at the appropriate time shortly, that is if they are meant to be and if they are not, be sure that better will find you.

There is no good reason for taking a life and that is why there is law to find justice when it feels like you have been robbed of it. Men, the women around you ensure the continuity of generations and fulfillment of life, you cannot entirely do it alone without them. Murdering them or even incapacitating them threatens the future, we are all a fruit of love because even if the fathers walked away or died, the mothers choose to love and keep the babies. They are vulnerable don’t use them against them, let's say they understand life from the point of intense love, that of wanting to protect a mini her even with her last drop of blood.

Femicide is a crime against the girl child, human rights, and more humanity, only God is obligated to take away because he gives, shun inhumanity, the world is already bleeding as an aftermath of it, so don’t worsen the situation. Protect what life has given to you at the moment, enjoy when it lasts, that long is enough, don’t force it to go further and that is why there are seasons and phases in life, you can’t go back on any neither can lengthen it. Be content with what you get as you aspire to grow with it. She is someone’s daughter, sister, and mother/aspiring mother, spare her life she deserves to experience every bit of it to the latter. Don’t punish her with untimely death, it is not in your hands to do so, give her a chance to make the mistakes, learn from them, and better herself, that is the best you can do for her but if you cannot wait for her to do all the growing to your desired level, take the walk someone will do it for her!


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