
Getting The Young Empowered in Tech Skill

Photo Credit: Vsf 3rd quater social event

Tech Skill; a huge economic relief

Young people complain of the Labour Market being saturated, and this, bringing many into unimaginable experiences such as depressive disorder, Criminality, etc.

However, there's a space of great influence and impact in the Tech World. A place where a young person can find expression, get positively busy and enjoy financial independence.

Hence, in the 3rd quater of the year, VSF opened the opportunity for young adults from the age of 13 to learn Tech skills (UI/UX Product Design, Data Analysis, Web Development) without having to paying a dime but their time.

We started with a webinar, making the young adult see the significance of the tech skill in the 21st century and how it is beneficial to them.

I feel so happy that right now, a young person has more skill that can contribute to the economy.

The training still continues as it takes 12weeks of intensive mentorship. Thanks to our Tech Partners @STARCHILDTECHNOLOGIES and @INSTINCTHUB.

I feel so fulfiled that a social problem is being dealt with! We are having better youths, safer communities!

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