Girls' Parliament

Young girl's and Women should be given the Change they have been crying for

Photo Credit: ©Hadija Jalloh

In Sierra Leone, over the years Women contribution to decision making was not encouraged and still not all are giving the space despite the Bill passed by Parliament last year which gives 30% inclusion to women and girls into Politics and other areas.

In our society there is a believe that Men knows it all, so Women, girls should listen not input and we are tired of allowing the opposite to make decisions for us when it's concern our lives, our likes and our future.

If we want to grow as a nation we opt to give women, girls their respectable space. Let us make our decisions as we can tell our problems and solutions better. We are past that era of saying the Men knows it all, we too are informed now about happenings if not more than half of the men.

With this, the Girls' Parliament was birthed in 2019 as a platform that train, guides and advocates for young girl's inclusion in all aspects of life and as a mentorship space to prepare young girl's for the future wherein debates, spelling and bee competitions are held as a way of building public confidence in the girls at an early age.

Girls' Parliament is a girl's led organization that supports other girls within Kambia District and the chiefdoms surrounding.

On the international day of the Girl Child, Girls' Parliament and other organizations in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender and Children's Affairs celebrated the day with engagement of 90 girls from within the district wherein they had a session of highlighting issues that are hinderance to their Educational success that they believe will affect their future if not taking care of. These issues will be then drafted and discussed with the stakeholders and government officials for a better change as the theme for this year's celebration was "Our time is now; Our right, Our Future."

Thus, as we are Girls' Parliament we stand to protect the right of young girl's in the district and beyond.

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Moments of Hope
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