

Photo Credit: By enock story

2024 good deed celebration

Good deeds day a Global movement for countries to celebrates good deeds ..people come together and be as one, reaching out to the needy , This year our 2024 good deed is different we have added an item which was not there last year [blankets]

"Join us in making a difference! 🌟 Donate to the Community Care Trust in Zapita Village, Lilongwe on May 25, 2024. Your contribution of clothes, blankets, shoes, and soap will directly impact those in need. Let's come together to support our community and provide essential items to those who need it most. Your generosity can change lives! 🤝 #CommunityCare #DonateNow

Drop off your items at:

Area 49 New Shire Salima Street, Lilongwe

or donate through:

- 0880 260 579

- Standard Bank 9100006467676

- 0994 315 150

For more information, contact:

- 0882 164 306

- 0994 315 150"

Community CARE TRUST

We believe in giving ..and we never get tired helping

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