Heart you ,Mothers!

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A mother's love is so pure and unconditional, God grant all the mothers a long life with answered prayer!

Mothers are the greatest risk-takers in life, with so many uncertainties in life but they prioritize their children regardless. My dear ladies once you get pregnant make sure you wear the big shoe, because it might not always pan out as anticipated be ready for anything.

Rejection and humiliation are some of the things you might face especially when you’re not stable enough, termed a burden, and walking through parenthood alone might come with it. Some men will act all nice until you get pregnant and want nothing to do with you, some ask you to get rid of it but I will urge you not to, was he aborted? No, were you aborted, still no so why cut short a life that has hardly started, and allow it to fulfill its purpose?

Never give in to demands of aborting simply because a man feels like you’re about to ruin his life with fatherly duties, because if you do that is giving him so much importance and relevance in your life. When you get pregnant have it in mind that circumstances might have you raise the child alone, you are a victim of rejection but will you allow that to get into you? You can because the baby needs you and you need your sanity as well to protect it and give it a conducive environment to grow.

Cry, withdraw, shut yourself but don’t give up, one day at a time, see opportunity in the challenge, push yourself further because you can and you will. He rejected you and his baby, his loss if you choose to forge forth, birth, and nurture it. That is the best revenge, building from what he thought would break you. He is just a sperm donor, I mean he rejected it so he has no right over it in life. The sacrifices and the pain you face while trying to fend for it will break him instead because by the time he is done messing around and wants to settle down, he will be eyeing a life with you and he will regret having pushed you away, he will be frustrated by his actions.

Dear mother you have your baby, he/she is enough, at least you’re getting one thing right, parenting in the most uncomfortable situation. You have a big heart and sure enough, the universe will be kind to you as long as you work hard and smart and you remain intentional. Your baby needs you, that imposter who folded at the slightest of tests doesn’t prioritize yourself and your child. You’re the strongest because in hardship you chose to thrive and while at it you are raising a strong soul, your child, kudos for choosing your child despite being so clueless about how life will treat you while parenting.

To the widowed mothers who were pushed away from what simplified life for them and their kids yet you choose to fight for your kids, may you find favor in the eyes of God. They are mere humans hence shouldn’t define your ending, keep pushing, you’re strong mama because no matter how little your effort seems in the eyes of humans at least you’re pushing, those strides will eventually turn to steps and Finally miles just don’t give up hang in there, they took away what you hard, drew you back but didn’t take the grace of God and your energy and brains from you and as long as you are will fight for your children and yourself there will be a way out. I wish you all the best while at it, heroines, risk-takers, and sacrificial lambs who give almost everything so their child will keep going.  

And to the mothers who are doing parenting alone, I mean fending for the children and getting involved in their affairs because their partners decided to stay on the side and become absent, you’re super women. You could have decided to take a walk and leave your kids in the hands of their father but you haven’t, be glad that you understand parenting better and that you’re determined to give it your best shot, keep doing it and someday you will be glad you didn’t quit or go wrong with it. I love you incredible women of substance and Happy International Women’s Day, you deserve to be celebrated every day.

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