
How To Forgive Yourself: The Shortcut

This story marks the final chapter of "The Unaware Self-Gaslighter." Every week, I've shared a chapter or two with you here on Worldpulse. Thank you for reading my book, chapter by chapter. Your support means a lot. Today, we conclude by delving into the art of self-forgiveness.

We're incredibly skilled in blaming ourselves, but somehow forgiving ourselves is undone. Or is it?

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery, understanding our patterns and self-protection techniques is similar to learning a new language. Embrace the fact that you might stumble along the way. The process takes time, and it's perfectly okay to make mistakes.

In this follow-up, we explore self-forgiveness and emphasize the importance of...

Forgiving yourself for what you didn't know.

Forgiving yourself for wanting to try again.

Forgiving yourself because you genuinely believed that this time there would be real change.

Forgiving yourself for going back, even though you know better.

Forgiving yourself because you're afraid to start over.

Forgiving yourself because you don't know where to begin if you were to start over.

No one goes back to make mistakes, but dare to be honest with yourself when re-entering a relationship: you know it's not good for you, but you don't have all the answers yet. This prevents you from gathering all your courage and permanently distancing yourself from a person or situation.

Focus on your personal growth.

You're not where you want to be yet, but you're honest with yourself. You're working on it. You'll get there.

I hope that through my stories, you realize how crucial it is to listen to yourself, how one thing influences another, and understand the importance of paying attention to your inner whispers. Self-gaslighting mostly happens unconsciously, and there's nothing to blame yourself for.

Yesterday, you didn't realize how this confusing inner struggle was messing with your sense of self.

Today, you know better. You're no longer an unconscious self-gaslighter. You've grown. You see things differently now.

Life can be different now. Step by step.

What a happy perspective!

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