I Will March.

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Kirthi Jayakumar

Dec 15

Joined Oct 21, 2012

I am one in a billion. But I will march, nevertheless.

I will march for every woman, named or unnamed. I will march for every girl, on every continent. I will march for every girl, every woman, who has faced crime: reported or unreported. I will march for every girl, every woman, who has survived a difficult life. I will march for every girl, every woman, who survives every day. I will march for every man and every boy who supports women. I will march for you. I will march for me. I will march for us.

I will march for Aruna Shanbaug. I will march for Kunan Poshpora. I will march for Rehtaeh Parsons. I will march for the 23-year-old girl in Delhi. I will march for the 13-year-old in West Bengal. I will march for Aarushi Talwar. I will march for Lara Logan, just as I will march for Bhanwari Devi. I will march for Malala Yousufzai. I will march for Manal al-Sharif. I will march for the girl who was raped and murdered in South Africa. I will march for Rihanna, I will march for Ashley Judd, I will march for Alice Walker, I will march for Christina Aguilera. I will march for the children of Nithari. I will march for the Blue-Bra girl in Egypt. I will march for Mona Eltahawy, for Lara Logan.

I will march for every girl that has gone to hell and back, suffering sexual violence. I will march for every nameless, faceless girl and every woman, who for the media and the government have been a statistic in proof of sexual violence. I will march for each of them, each survivor.

I will march for the women that are beaten in the secret confines of their homes. I will march for the little girls that are sexually abused at the hands of a trusted relative, or a trusted friend. I will march for the women that suffer marital rape, as the law surpasses them because there is “no rape in anything marital”. I will march for the myriads of women that are raped every day – literally and figuratively as men disrobe them with their lewd eyes. I will march for every woman that is verbally abused, sexually harassed and treated below par with her male counterpart. I will march for every woman that is not taken seriously for her talents and skills, but dissected and booed for the way she looks. I will march for every girl who is married off before she knows what it is to be a woman. I will march for each of them, each survivor.

I will march for my sisters in the DR Congo, against the rape and sexual violence they face. I will march for my sisters in Nigeria and Somalia, who face the detrimental threat of genital mutilation and sexual abuse. I will march for my sisters in Afghanistan, for whom education is a distant dream while domestic violence keeps her subservient. I will march for my sisters in India, who struggle to stay alive in the womb and after. I will march for my sisters in the Middle East where the sword of honour hangs on their heads, ready to sacrifice them at the altar of familial honour. I will march for my sisters in South East Asia where they are trafficked against their will, and made slaves to sex-trade. I will march for the women in Libya, who were raped with governmental sanction under the dictator’s regime. I will march for women in Egypt who had to undergo forced virginity tests to determine their “chastity”. I will march for women in Syria, who suffer sexual violence while grappling with civil war. I will march for my sisters in Nepal, who suffer without enough to eat, and get labelled as “witches” if they are widows. I will march for my sisters in Sudan, where the janjaweed militia have used rape as a weapon. I will march for my sisters in Guatemala, where gruesome murders thrived, killing plenty of women and leaving hate messages scrawled on their bodies. I will march for my sisters in Mali, one in ten of which die in pregnancy or childbirth. I will march for each of them, each survivor.

I will march for every sister here on World Pulse.

I will march for Leymah Gbowee. I will march for Tawakkol Karman. I will march for Michelle Obama. I will march for Hillary Clinton. I will march for Khalida Brohi.I will march for Afra Jalabi. I will march for Angela Gorman. I will march for Arundhuti Gupta. I will march for Asher Jay. I will march for Atiaf Alwazir. I will march for Ayla Shlosser. I will march for Beena Sarwar. I will march for Binaifer Nowrojee. I will march for Chris Crowstaff. I will march for Deborah Ellis. I will march for Dominique Vidale-Plaza. I will march for Elaheh Zohrevandi. I will march for Elsie Ijorogu-Reed. I will march for Gulalai Ismail. I will march for Heera Kamboj. I will march for Helen Mack. I will march for Hina Noureen. I will march for Inshah Malik. I will march for Jean Sasson. I will march for Jessamijn Miedema. I will march for Jin In. I will march for Karin Soweid. I will march for Katherine R Vasquez Tarazona. I will march for Keren Batiyov. I will march for Lauren Wolfe. I will march for Lylin Aguas. I will march for Marta Rusek. I will march for Medea Benjamin. I will march for Melanie Blanding. I will march for Mila Pilz. I will march for Natasha Latiff. I will march for Neema Namadamu. I will march for Nora Lester Murad. I will march for Paola Brigneti. I will march for Parveen Sikkandar. I will march for Raquel Evita Saraswati. I will march for Rebecca Cataldi. I will march for Roya Mahboob. I will march for Samin Malik. I will march for Sara Potler LaHayne. I will march for Somy Ali. I will march for Stella Paul. I will march for Sue Burness. I will march for Susan Abulhawa. I will march for Susanne Billander. I will march for Swanee Hunt. I will march for Tania Saleem Paijo. I will march for Visaka Dharmadasa. I will march for Yasmina Mrabet. I will march for Zarghuna Kagar. I will march for Wendy Moomaw. I will march for Kelly Botto. I will march for Dafna Hayman. I will march for Celine, for Nakinti, for Martha, for Olanike and for Olutosin. I will march for Nancy Harkrider, for Janice Wong, for Stephanie Auxier, for Tiffany Purn, for Smeeta Hirani, for Maya Monoz-Tobon, for Stella Paul, for Corine Milano. And I will march, for Jensine Larsen.

I will march for the special sisterhood of women who have never, ever put a price on their unconditional love, care and support for me. I will march for every woman who has stood up for me, no matter what challenges they may have encountered.

I will march for every woman who has been a changemaker, I will march for every woman who has been the harbinger of peace.I will march for these fighters who believed in our dream, I will march for these crusaders who work hard to support our common cause.

And I will march, for every man that supports women and the cause for women. I will march for Dr. Mukwege of the Panzi Hospital, for his every initiative to help women recover from the nasty aftermath of sexual violence. I will march for Bapi Sen, for Keenan and for Reuben for losing their lives while standing up for women.I will march for Barack Obama, for protecting and endorsing the rights of women over their bodies. I will march for every man that respects women, not just in word, but in conduct, unfailingly. I will march for each of them, each survivor.

I will march against rape. I will march against sexual harassment. I will march against domestic violence. I will march against verbal abuse. I will march against discrimination. I will march against child marriage. I will march against deprivation. I will march against female genital mutilation. I will march against sex-trade. I will march against lack of healthcare. I will march against lack of education. I will march against patriarchy. I will march against inhuman, derogatory behaviour. I will march against the crassness. I will march against the unhealthy notion that a woman is property. I will march against rules that make demands over a woman’s dressing sense. I will march against the distasteful portrayal of women in mainstream media. I will march against fathers, brothers, grandfathers and uncles who abuse their daughters, sisters and granddaughters, and I will march against the women in these families who let these happen to their girls. I will march against the glass ceiling. I will march against everything that reinforces the wrong notion that women aren’t significant. I will march for each of them, each survivor.

I will March.

I will Strike.

I will Rise.

I will Dance.

For each fighter. For each survivor. For you. For me. For us.

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