"If the world recognizes the Taliban as a government, Afghan girls will be buried alive"

A veiled Afghan woman peers whistfully out the slit above her door.

Photo Credit: Photo: UN Women/Sayed Habib Bidell

Across Afghanistan, women like Fatana have been stripped of their rights.

Fatana (not her real name) is a protester from Nuristan, Afghanistan. She is not allowed to share her story, so I'm doing it for her.

“I am a protester against the cruel rules and bans of the de facto authorities (DFA). Before the fall of Kabul, I was an active member of civil society. I was the vice-president of a youth union and I used to meet with politicians to share youth’s ideas. I was actively helping poor families through a charity foundation. Last, but not least, I was also a student.

Now, I am standing up for my sisters who have no support and whose men cannot raise their voices because they fear the Taliban. I want to raise the voices of these innocent women to the international community, so that it no will longer just monitor and react, but act instead – act for the benefit of the brave women of my country, because we do not get anything from reaction!

Last year, I saw the end of all the progress and achievements of my life and the failure of my country. It was the beginning of a series of disappointments for women who seek an education and want to work.

[What change do I want to see?] Equality of rights among all ethnic groups in the country; accepting the 50 per cent of women within society; the collapse of the DFA regime that is being ruled by an oppressive and illiterate leader; the end of interference from countries who are allies of the Taliban in Afghanistan’s internal affairs; allowing all genders to have equal access to education; and allowing educated women to nurture literate and righteous leaders for this country, because not everyone who has a tasbeh [Islamic prayer beads] and a beard is fit to lead this country.

We, resistant and oppressed women, God-willing, with the cooperation of the world, will achieve these changes, because despite all the restrictions and torture, we women have not given up and we will not! At first, through street protests, but also with the creation of a population of resistant women in Afghanistan, we have been projecting our voices more into the world, and we will continue on this path with our other sisters until the last moment of our lives.

My message to the world is to raise your voice with us, women, and don’t be silent. If the world recognizes the Taliban as a government, Afghan girls will be buried alive.

The international community should not only react but actually cooperate with Afghan women to learn about the life problems they are facing and about the women who are fighting the Taliban face-to-face in the country.”

Fatana's story and those of more than 50 other women currently living in Afghanistan can be found on the After August website. Their names and locations have been changed for their protection. This collection of true stories documenting the lives of Afghan women is a collaboration between UN Women Afghanistan, Zan Times, Limbo and independent storytellers. It aims to raise awareness and incite an international audience to reflect and, hopefully, to act.

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