I'm not a feminist

I am a 18 year old black women who thought-out school and even now does not see herself as a feminist. I always saw the movement of so called advocating for women's right's as extremely divisive and rather than it being a movement that unites all women it just further divides us. I didn't like the fact that feminism was not antically start with all women in mind and didn't take into consideration the other factors that might further disadvantage someone other than just being a women. Growing up I was never taught to shy away from standing up to what I believe in and therefore I have every strong view on things I feel passionately about one of them being equity and providing all women with the tools needed to be strong and bold. Due to theses strong views I was quickly labelled a feminist but I was labelled it for all of the wrong reasons. The word being associated with women feeling or wanting to be superior to men or it just being a group of men hating women. I think the label feminist is too small a word for what it trying to be achieved I would say I am simple a person. A person who wants to inspire little girls and boys to want to be anything they want to be. A person who wants to see all kids in education regardless of there anatomy. A person who stands up in the face of inequality and not resting until all women have complete control over their own bodies. A person who especially advocates for women of colour see as though I am one myself and making sure are voices are also being heard .I am simple a person who wants to make the world a better place in anyway I can however small.so even if these is not read by anyone at least its written and I've been able to speak my truth as simple a person and not a feminist.

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