Introducing myself and my journal: excited to be joining so many women!

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Anna Warshaw

United States of America

Joined Nov 5, 2009

About Me:
i grew up in rural new york but have been traveling for some time. i'm wandering from community to community collecting social frameworks - currently living at a farm in portland, oregon. i love making medicine, growing food, tending animals, gathering songs, critiquing dominant culture, envisioning new ones, reading, and being of use. i hope to refine a set of skills that will enable me to live within and teach about land-based communities.

My Passions:
plants, soil, water, sun, music, conversation, crafting, placemaking & the resuscitation of magic

My Challenges:

My Vision for the Future:
a multiplicity of voices empowered, networks of bartering communities, redefining urban spaces, healthy watersheds, autonomous technologies abound! people feel capable and joyous: self-reliance & local resilience

My Areas of Expertise:
gardening, herbalism, roadkill butchering and hide tanning, collage, goat milking

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