Introducing myself and my journal: my son was

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United States of America

Joined Aug 17, 2014

About Me:
I'm a single mother if three sons my oldest son has been missing from my home for 5 years, his father took him and ran off with hum and will nit let me see him, he lets me speak to him every once in a blue moon, he says he went behind my back to court without me knowing and was granted sole custody of him, I was never notified of any court case. I live my sonand feel as a women that my right to mother, love, nurture, and take care if my child was snatched away from me, I want my son back, but I need help I don't have the transportation to get to court to file against him nor the money for a lawyer, I'm alone in this and have no support system,

My Passions:
God and my children

My Challenges:

My Vision for the Future:
stable home environment fir my kids, a house for them nice toys for them

My Areas of Expertise:
chuld care, electrical, customer service

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