If you have a little bit of your own thinking...
it is enough
to eat you alive little by little...

If you know how to think neutrally...
it is enough
to put you in the criminal cage until you die...

if you know Just to be yourself...
it is enough
to Everyone
Always see you as an enemy... 

Don't get carried away by all that...
There is nothing wrong with you...
It is the crime of the time, the clan that is not yet worthy 
to meet, face and accept you...

There is freedom even beyond the boundaries... 
all you need is a little willpower...

I don't always worry about anything that comes crashing down on me... 
the paths I've walked and my dreams 
they know nothing about and never understand... 
I leave it to the desire to do the talking...
what about you?

Try to understand me! that -
Does everyone ask to you?
If asked

If you have ever tried,
To understand the other
from their place

Feel free to criticize others. 

If not,
As they live their lives,
Just live your life and leave.

One that doesn't let go
Look down
In pursuit of -
With you who never fall -
You who will fall
hold on
There will be nothing that can bring you down...

with love

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