
Join me to end GBV and stigma against women with disabilities, teenage mothers and girls living with HIV/AIDS in post war Cameroon

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Veronica Ngum Ndi


Sep 29

Joined Feb 25, 2016

Join Me To End Gbv And Stigma Against Women With Disabilities, Teenage Mothers And Girls Living With Hiv/Aids In Post War Cameroon

I am a woman with disability CEO/Founder of the Community Association for Vulnerable Persons (CAVP) Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon. The target population of the CAVP are young mothers 30 and below and women/girls with disabilities and women and girls living with HIV/AIDS. I choose this set of people because they suffer stigma just as I have living with a disability.Though am living with a disability,I will not focus my vision on disability because I want to give back to my community without boundaries.

I am passionate on digital empowerment and breaking barriers.I have come a long way and it has worked well for me.I want to use the digital skills I have to impact change in my community and lives of the women who are greatly stigmatized.I want to educate them and build their skills to have a self-esteem that will make them leap above stigma,stereotype,marginalization and gender based violence.

Cameroon has been going through a sociopolitical unrest since 2016 and there has been an increase in teenage motherhood and a prevalence of HIV/AIDS among young women below 30 due to the interruption of schools and increased rate of gender based violence (especially rape). These mothers are mostly school dropout as a result of the war in Cameroon. The training will give them knowledge on digital learning, networking, E-marketing and E-learning. I will teach them how to use their android phones and internet positively to impact their lives and change in their communities. Help them stay safe online and limit online violence. I will do follow-ups, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to ensure I impact change to optimum. My initiative is unique because the target population faces high degree of stigma in our culture and society in general. That is, as a woman with disability you are denied the opportunity to access education and as a school dropout due to unwanted pregnancy, you are stigmatized and considered a second class citizen not qualified for a responsible husband. Most of these women experience denial of resources and suffer SGBV and economic hardship.

These women now have to live with economic hardship,limited access to digital empowerment skills and facing barrier to breaking the silence.With improved self-esteem,they will build confidence to speak out and go through a sustainable case management plan and be reintegrated to impact the lives of others

I am passionate to give back to my community because I believe that \" We rise by lifting others\"

In order to lift other women and girls this is my plan of action

1-Sensitize young women on the importance to bring out the digital power in them

2-Organize World Pulse trainings twice every month reaching at least 20 women each in 4 communities in the North West Region Cameroon

3-Do follow up visits,monitoring and evaluation to those I have signed up on World Pulse to track their progress

4-Do digital mentorship programs with women/girls with disabilities

5-Seek support/fund raise for the construction of an inclusive digital vocational training center for women/girls with disabilities in North West Region

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Veronica Ngum Ndi


Community Association for Vulnerable Persons

Bamenda,North West Region,Cameroon

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