
Joseph W. Smedley II



Joseph Smedley was attending Indiana University at Bloomington. He was a sophomore who was studying Bio-Chemistry Pre-Pharm, with big plans to become a Pharmacist after University. Joseph was also part of a soceity known as Sigma Pie, Fraternity Brothers that took part in schools activities, sports and get-togethers. Unfortunately his life would be cut short under unusual circumstances.

Joseph's sister received a random and strange text from her brother's cell phone that said,

"Viv, i love you and i'm leaving the country, by not telling you why I'm keeping you safe & protected. Please don't try to contact me at this number it won't work. I"ll contact you once i'm set up overseas. Thank you for everything viv,i love you and i'm sorry".

Prior to this text message the day before, Joseph had a conversation with his sister already about the apartment he had to pay for the semester. September 28 2015 at 4:15am in the morning she received the message from his phone. However Viv found the message extremely odd because Joseph had a conversation about the schedules he had on the 28th of September. That was the day he planned to pay his apartment bills. And Viv spoke with Joseph over the phone the morning of 27th before she received the message on the 28th. After she received the text message she tried placing a call to his phone and no answer. She sent so many voicenotes and still no answer. Later she decides to show up surprisingly in one of his lecture halls, she was hoping her brother was playing jokes with her like he usually does but when she got to the hall Joseph was no where to be found. Viv later on reported his case to the Police and he was ruled out as a missing person. Posters and flyers were handed out to search for Joseph.


The mystery continues..............as to who took Joseph Smedley's life.

Moments of Hope
Training - Measuring Your Impact
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