
Lee Rotari

Human R

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Mystery left

Lee Rotari was a beautiful Lady who moved to Iowa for training. She had accepted a job at a Hospital. She was known to be dedicated, loving and symphatetic. Everyone knew her as a loving person and whoever came in contact to her were easily drawn by her charisma. This was an opportunity for her to further her career. Monday June 21st 1982 this was her big break. Later on she went out to spend time with a few people whom she became friends with and stopped by Mcdonalds to get herself some snacks before heading back to her Motel. The Motel received a phone call from her boss to let them know of her abscense at and to ask why she did not make it to work.

An employee was sent to check on her & when she was found she was in a pool of blood on her bed stabbed to death on her Heart, she had also been SA'd. Council Bluffs Police got involved in her case and begun their investigations.

Her killer was found 40 years later however there were some lingering questions because there was a second suspect who was killed by another person. Leaving the police with more questions to answer.

Who do you think killed Lee?

Is her killer the second suspect who was also murdered?


Moments of Hope
Training - Measuring Your Impact
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