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Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Joined May 13, 2024

It is my beloved town of Peñas.

Photo Credit: Norma

This is a little of my story, my parents are Aymara, they have not had higher education since leaving school, they had children at an early age, it was very difficult for them to excel, but they did and thanks to them we were able to study school and university. The truth is, I was a good student and I had good grades, but in my case I can say that I was a shy girl who doesn't like to leave the house, but during the pandemic it was where I entered my first volunteer service just to learn and know what it was about. Later I won an English Scholarship where I learned more things and I knew that there were scholarships for outstanding students or those who are at the University but I couldn't because I had already finished university and my English was not that good, that happened to me because I didn't have information and no one informed me so when I volunteered in the countryside with children I knew that there was no information for them about opportunities for that reason I want to work on that issue of education because I saw and know that there are good students but they do not have that support to continue forward in their studies and in their professional life, for that reason I want to learn many things to be able to share my knowledge with them and in some way change the life of a child or younger. Now there is information everywhere but in rural areas not everyone has the internet to know about the opportunities they are missing.

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