Lets Give Doreen a better leaf of life

Every journey begins with one step

I have known Doreen for now about one year as one of the cleaners at my workplace, She does her work with diligence and perfection. Today I asked for her contact number as I needed an extra hand for my weekend house cleaning which she agreed. I asked her to write it down on a piece of paper. What struck me was her “perfect” hand writing which prompted me to ask her level of education. She told me she dropped out in Senior two as her peasant mother could not afford to pay her school fees. Her brother who is a local security guard then brought her to Kampala city to do petty jobs to make ends meet. Doreen story struck me. She says she wants to go to school and one day better her life and that of her family but unfortunately her dream seems not to be coming to pass. She can barely even afford to buy herself lunch. She can afford to have only one meal a day

I call upon some well-wishers to contribute to Doreen to go back to school or even learn a craft or entrepreneurial skills that will enable her achieve her life dream. If you think you can contribute to Doreen’s education skills training, please reach me through my inbox (ikirimat). We are stronger together.

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