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Brendah Amonge


May 11

Joined Mar 1, 2019

Disability we all know is not inability,

but in her village it's a curse from God they say.

Maybe her parents might have offended the ancestors, maybe she might have sinned and that was a punishment.

who said giving birth to dissabled children was punishment?who?

without knowledge ,her mother turns into a punching bag of her father,so painful being punched for bringing into the world an innocent beautiful soul.

He blames her for bringing into the world a disabled child making him the laughter of the market,does he know women don't apply for kids they bring into the world to be \"perfect\"?

her once beautiful face and smile has faded away,she is gloomy with some teeth missing in her mouth,her body filled with Marks from the belt he used in beating her,

Her home is deserted,her friends fear that they would also birth disabled children if they interact with her, whenever the meet her everyone dashes or ignores her,how she wish all this was a dream,the society that once praised her has become so cruel.

she is well known by the medicine men around the village,she has tried finding solution to make her baby \"normal\" like everyone ,she has sacrificed black and white chickens with hope that her first ever child could be healed,but all that turns into a night mare

Her husband marries again,she hasn't even lived with him for two years.He neglects her house claiming it's cursed,her better part of the day she spends crying,her once sexy eyes that the husband looked professing his love are red, swollen.who will come to her rescue?

she regrets having left her father's homestead eloping with the love of her life,she has  never stepped into a classroom,her life she now sees has no meaning,no exposure and abandoned thus she has no one to turn to.

Who is going to save her?,who is going to let her know her child is just dissabled but able to do other things with life? Who is going to let her know the child is supposed to be taken to school?who is going to lead her to a path of Justice because she was violated by her husband?           

we are going to save her,we all know disability is not inability,her child needs proper education and care just like the rest of the children,we are going to let her know how to raise her voice against Violence,we are going to let her know she's beautiful,we are going to let her know her purpose in life,guide her towards establishing herself,we all have these women around us,it start with us to help/guide  them .

its Amonge from KENYA



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