Let's value our culture!


Photo Credit: https://youtube.com/shorts/j9AIHEk2FbQ?si=vMKyVvYdl-nY86un

Student making dip for chick peas (food culture)

Food and Culture

Our food plays a significant role as it is a part of our culture and identity. I introduce a method to learners to develop interest in history. They researched different food dishes introduced in the sub-continent.

Wait Wait..

Not only that they shared the history with learners in class and the most wonderful part is they cooked themselves (made the dishes) even inclusive learners took park.

They brought to school shared with teachers, class friends, admin staff and even domesric staff. They were feeling confident as was getting appreciation from everyone. They surprised us as they had unrevealed hidden talent of cooking. I bet they cooked better than me even. Their family was surprised to see too.

Basically, its on educators to develop interest in learners. I use technology, and practical approach because just marking students on written oetfirmance is not faur. Sone are good in speaking,they share extra ordinary information so I tried my best to give everyone a fair chance.


Moments of Hope
World Pulse Changemakers Lab
Digital Skills
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