
Looking for a Fundraising Manager to Join Our Team!

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Imaara Survivor Support Foundation, our newly formed NGO dedicated to preventing sexual and gender-based violence while providing crucial support to survivors, is seeking a dynamic and experienced Fundraising Manager. This key role involves overseeing and coordinating a team of interns and volunteers in the fundraising group, and aiming to secure resources to further the organization's mission. Imaara is committed to creating an inclusive work environment and encourages survivors of violence to apply for this position.

Mode of Work: Online/Remote

Working Hours: Approximately 7 hours per week. We are expecting a 6 months - 1 year commitment for this position. 

Skills and Qualifications: 

  • Fluency in English: Proficient in written and spoken English to effectively communicate with donors and supporters.
  • Fundraising Experience: Proven track record in fundraising, including grant writing, donor relations, and campaign management.
  • Team Leadership: Strong leadership and team coordination skills to manage and motivate a group of interns and volunteers.
  • Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills to convey the organization's mission and impact effectively.
  • Financial Acumen: Understanding of financial management and budgeting in the context of fundraising.
  • Networking: Ability to build and maintain strong relationships with donors, sponsors, and partners.
  • Creativity: Innovative thinking to develop unique fundraising campaigns and initiatives.


  • Fundraising Strategy: Develop and implement a comprehensive fundraising strategy aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.
  • Team Coordination: Recruit, train, and lead a team of interns and volunteers in the fundraising group, ensuring effective coordination and collaboration.
  • Campaign Planning: Plan and execute fundraising campaigns, events, and initiatives to engage donors and supporters.
  • Donor Relations: Cultivate and maintain relationships with donors, sponsors, and partners to secure funding and support for the organization's projects.
  • Budget Management: Manage fundraising budgets and financial resources effectively.
  • Reporting: Provide regular updates and reports to the organization's leadership and stakeholders on fundraising progress and outcomes.

Compensation and Benefits: 

While Imaara Survivor Support Foundation is in its early stages and currently faces budgetary constraints, we are prepared to offer the following tokens of appreciation to the Fundraising Manager until we are able to offer monetary compensation:

  • Recommendation Letters: We will provide strong recommendation letters highlighting the Fundraising Manager's contributions and leadership skills, which can be invaluable for future career opportunities.
  • Completion Certificates: A certificate acknowledging the Fundraising Manager's role in helping establish and shape our organization will be issued upon successful completion of their tenure.
  • Path to Permanent Membership: The Fundraising Manager will have the opportunity to become a permanent member of our NGO team as we grow and secure more resources. This can lead to a rewarding and impactful long-term commitment.
  • Networking and Experience: The Fundraising Manager will gain valuable experience in the nonprofit sector, build a network of like-minded professionals, and contribute to a meaningful cause.
  • Free Skill & Capacity-Enhancing Training: Imaara Survivor Support Foundation is dedicated to the professional and personal development of its team members. As part of the team, you will have access to free training sessions and workshops designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in areas relevant to our mission, including Feminist Foreign Policy courses. These opportunities will empower you to make a greater impact in the field of gender-based violence prevention and survivor support.
  • Gifts: Team members will receive occasional gifts as a token of appreciation for their commitment and hard work. These gifts may include branded merchandise, books, or other items related to our cause.
  • Making a Difference: Most importantly, by becoming a part of the Imaara Survivor Support Foundation team, you will actively contribute to the prevention of gender-based violence and the support of survivors. Your efforts will help create a more just and equitable society.

Application Process: To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter outlining your interest in the position and how your skills and experiences align with our mission to imaara.foundation@gmail.com.

Imaara Survivor Support Foundation recognizes the strength and resilience that survivors of violence bring to this important work. Survivors are strongly encouraged to apply for this position as their unique perspectives and experiences can significantly contribute to our mission.

By joining us as the Fundraising Manager, you will play a crucial role in securing the resources needed to support survivors and prevent sexual and gender-based violence. Help us make a positive impact and drive change. Apply now to be part of our mission.

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